Staff retention strategy
Staff were leaving the company at an unprecedented rate. Training new starters was time-consuming - remedial action was needed quickly to prevent further disruption and expenditure.
This client is a manufacturing SME from the engineering sector. Training of production, technical and administrative staff has always been problematic due to the complexity and variety of products; and also the fact that the business operates in several different markets. Quite often, there are industry-standard accreditations to be achieved involving external providers in addition to comprehensive in-house guidance. This is the type of training that can take many months before staff begin to become productive and efficient.
The company prides itself on being a good employer, both in terms of pay and conditions and many of the staff are very long-serving. Over the previous nine months, a trend of departures had started to emerge. The people who have left are very difficult to replace and this was the catalyst for consultancy assistance. The objectives of the project were:
Establish the true reasons behind the people leaving the business.
Determine what is potentially making current staff unhappy.
Decide what the genuine position is regarding areas of disgruntlement.
Create a strategy and plan of action to improve matters.
The project involved speaking with virtually all current staff and also contacting many of those who have recently left the company. Using an external facilitator meant that people could be more candid and this resulted in a comprehensive and prioritised list of actions that management could undertake to slow/stop the exodus. This was also important in demonstrating to the staff that the owners of the business were taking their concerns seriously and trying to address them.
It's early days since the conclusion of the project, but signs are promising and no other members of staff have left the company as yet.
​GENERAL MANAGER - "You have determined the main issues, that's really helped us and it's given us a clear path forwards, thanks."